Let’s Get Going

Happy New Year! So, here we are at the beginning of another year.  Now let’s get going and get down to business…

I find that a lot of businesses out there are really sluggish to start the new year off with solid forward momentum. In fact, I commonly find that many businesses don’t wake up from the December / January hiatus until February. That’s two months down the drain! So I thought as a first tip for the year I would pose a few questions for you to think about over the next week. Here they are:

  1. By the time the next holiday season comes around (December for most of us) this year, what do you want to achieve both personally and professionally? This could be anything you have been thinking about or putting off and want to achieve this year. You might want to learn a new language, create a new product, start a new business, or grow the one you have to double its current size for example. Whatever it is, write it down.
  2. What is going to get in the way of you achieving the items in question 1? This is where you can go nuts with all the excuses under the sun to stop yourself from achieving what you say you want to achieve above. I find most people are really good at answering this question because it is so easy to find things to distract us from doing what we know is the most important activity to get the ultimate result we want.
  3. What are the first three steps that you need to take for each item identified in question 1? You don’t need to map out every step. Just think about making a start with the first steps.
  4. Finally, when are you going to start? How about right now?

The last question is the most important.

I’m sure you know this already. Unless you take action immediately, your momentum and follow-through diminish rapidly. Take one step today, no matter how small, towards achieving the things you want to do this year and you’ll surprise yourself with how far you’ll get.

Start now! Not at the end of January. Not when you get back to work or after you clear out the 400 e-mails that have accumulated while you’ve been away. That stuff will still be there tomorrow. Don’t put your dreams on hold for the sake of 400 e-mails. My intention for you is to kick some major goals this year and the way to do it is to build momentum.

I look forward to working with you this year as I share some practical tips and throw down some challenges for you to think about and action on a weekly basis.

Until next time…enhance your mindset! Harness your passion! Apply your expertise! Take action! Build your momentum!